A great grandmother reminisces on her life in the Oklahoma "Dust Bowl" in the 1930s.

A fascinating look at the life of Bass Reeves, an escaped slave who became the first African-American U.S. Marshal west...

A short chapter book about a family racing to Oklahoma to find free land in the late 1800s.

A mother and her daughter travel to the Oklahoma frontier on a trip to save the buffalo. 

The true story of "Dust Bowl" children who built their own school while their parents worked as farm laborers.

After a dust storm ruins a family's Oklahoma farm land, they must journey westward to California.

An Oklahoma prairie dog tries to save his family from a hungry rattlesnake. 

A lyrical picture book about African-Americans moving west to Oklahoma in the 1880s for free land. 

A picture book biography of Jim Thorpe, world-renowned athlete and Oklahoma native.

A picture book biography of Oklahoma native Mickie Mantle, one of the greatest baseball players of all time.