Are you looking for a wonderful list of children’s books set in Maine? Here are some of our favorites! Each of these children’s books is either set in Maine or features a person who has close ties to the state. Known as the land of lighthouses, blustery coastlines, and incredible natural beauty, Maine is also recognized for its one-of-a-kind lobster and thriving fishing industry. If you’d like more information on each book, read more by clicking on the affiliate links listed below.

Andre, the Famous Harbor Seal
Based on the true story of Andre, a harbor seal who befriended and became nearly inseparable from a Rockport, Maine...

At One in a Place Called Maine
A beautifully-illustrated love letter to the state of Maine, celebrating its beauty, history, geography, and culture.

Blueberries For Sal
While picking blueberries with her mother, young Sal realizes that a young bear cub and her mother are also picking...

Hitty: Her First Hundred Years
The story of a well-loved doll made in the early 1800s for a young Maine girl.

Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie
The true story of a young Maine girl who must keep the lights burning in her family's lighthouse.